World of VRML tent architecture

This is a VRML source page You can include any of these objects in your VRML “virtual worlds”, design proposals or presentations under the Creative Commons share alike license. All these designs are Design Copyright © 1996 Bruno Postle.

All these surfaces were created using Patterner for Windows, and exported as you see them. Patterner for Windows is all new software for patterning 3d meshes. The demo version has 2d and 3d dxf file format export disabled, however 3d VRML export is enabled, allowing you to design and view surfaces like those shown below.

Tent 001 Tent 002 Tent 003 Tent 005 Tent 006 Tent 007 Tent 008 Tent 009 Tent 010 Tent 011 Tent 012 Tent 013 Tent 015 Tent 016 Tent 017 Tent 018 Canopy 001 Canopy 002

Document Links

Patterner for Windows
A windows tool for creating and manipulating meshes
share alike
Version one of the share alike license
This document was last modified on 2009-06-14 15:50:02.
Bruno Postle